Chess 2023

2023 Champions - Woodleigh School


Click Here for Chess Rules.......

It was fantastic to see 16 Secondary School teams come together at Nazareth College for the 2023 SIS Chess Competition. The team of Nazareth College students hosted a wonderful day, providing an excellent setting for the games.

Competition was fierce and some clever captures and threats were made, bringing the crowd applause on many occasions as the day progressed.

The final top team results were:

1st Place – Woodleigh (24.5 points)

2nd Place – Balcombe Grammar (21.5 points)

3rd PlaceTIE

Nazareth College (21 points)

Padua Mornington (21 points)

St Peters Clyde North (21 points)

Congratulations to those who came to try out Chess for the first time and improve their skills in the game.




 Click Here for Book in a Day Rules.......

John Paul College was the host of the Book in a Day Workshop in their fantastic newly built Assembly Room. Students from 12 schools were fortunate to be involved in writing workshops presented by two well known award-winning Australian authors, Andrea Rowe and Coral Vass.

Illustrators in the group joined Dean Rankine (Simpsons Comic book illustrator) as well as  artist/illustrator Nicky Johnston for inspiration on drawing styles, shapes and sketches.

During the afternoon, students worked on large posters in their school groups to create a framework for a “mini book” including planning and illustrations based on a selection of prompts supplied.

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All four workshop sessions were highly regarded by students and teachers, with students learning valuable skills in preparation for Writing Day.

During Writing Day each school produced a novella, which were voted by a select group of students from each school. The top four novellas were judged by Senior Scholastic Press Publisher, Rebecca Young and each awarded a library prize from our sponsor, Campion Education.

1st place – Nazareth College -“The Dino, the Deuce and the Daring Housewife”
2nd Place – John Paul College -“Bolha”
3rd Place – St. Peter’s College Cranbourne -“Mercury”
4th Place – Balcombe Grammar School -“Deep in the Ball Pit”

Presentation Day celebrated the work of all students with morning tea, a book quiz and a presentation hosted by Special Guest, Nicky Johnston.


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Nazareth College – First Place -  Book in a Day 2023




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The SIS Art, Technology & Design Exhibition will be held at the Cube 37 Gallery, Frankston Arts Centre between 4th – 11th November.
Artwork is displayed by the following schools in this year’s Exhibition:

Balcombe Grammar

Casey Grammar

Cornish College

Flinders Christian College Tyabb

Hillcrest College

John Paul College

Nazareth College

St Francis Xavier (all campuses)

St John’s Regional College

St. Margaret’s Berwick Grammar

St. Peters Clyde

St. Peters Cranbourne

Selected student artwork may be viewed throughout the week and by invitation to the Official Celebration Night on 9th November.


 Prizes will be awarded to student work selected by this year’s Guest Speakers, artist Billy Nye and Product Designer North Morris.

 The 2023 SIS Art, Design and Technology Exhibition is proudly sponsored by Zart Art and Officeworks Moningon.

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